Sky Blue Bobblehead Bunny
Get Flower Effect

5.) Cheers and Chants

       Cheers and chants is one of my most unforgettable moment I had in my life. It’s the best day ever. The sweats, hardship, tiredness and pressure we experience are all worth it. And the best part is, it’s our first time competition, competing with other School of Business and Accountancy (SOAB). I have a mixed emotion in my body the excitement, joyness, nervousness and many more. I feel like I’m going in a battle, fighting for our country and must win for the sake of those people who needs help.

        I thought were not going to win, because there are so many good contestant and especially we are the last to perform, so there are many thoughts in my mind that makes me feel nervous. But we did our best. The eagerness of 

our section, the fighting spirit of our section and the unity that our section give a good result. And guess what, we won 1ST RUNNER UP. And it makes me proud, not only to myself but for our section. Even if we didn’t get the champion place, I know that we did our very best on stage and we give all the strength we have to win.

       This experience I had will be marked in my life forever. I will never forget this day. The teamwork of the group is the secret why we achieve this goal.  And I hope that for the next competition that we will join, I hope that the champion position is next. Our target is to be champion. Talent wins game, but teamwork and intelligence wins game. It’s really true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping each other to succeed. The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is a team. I hope we can keep improving and get them again.

1 comment :

  1. I agree! I honestly didn't expect to win as well. I was a great challenge and experience! c:
