Sky Blue Bobblehead Bunny
Get Flower Effect

16.) Media Literacy ( Seminar)

                It was Wednesday morning and I thought our prof will going to teach us a new lesson but when she entered the room she didn’t bring anything and when she said that we are going on a seminar I was like “OMG! We’re not going to do anything”. The seminar is all about “Media Literacy: Mobilizing the Millennials as Socially Responsible Prosumers

                The three guest speakers are Ms. Edmallyne Remillano (Head writer, State of the Nation with Jessica Soho and Secretary, Talents Association of GMA Network), Jan Meynard Nualla (Program Producer, Global Conservations on CNN Philippines, Talents Association of GMA Network (TAG), Society of Asian Journalists (SAJ) ), and Lian Nami Buan ( Assiciate Producer for Segments, State of the Nation with Jessica Soho, Associate Editor, and Talents Association of GMA).

                The first speaker discuss on How to (effectively) write storythe first thing she said is that “Journalism is about making the important interesting and the interesting relevant” their will be an impact to the people and the social media will have a purpose. The most important question that Ms. Remillano discuss are What is the story about, really? (What is the content about?) What are the value added information, insight? (Like what is new, information that can use of people) So what? (Why should people care?) And then? (What do people want to see next or what will going to happen?)

                In writing an effective story we should put the important issues that people will give importance. But before we can achieve this thing we should first know the art of interview first is embrace the silence, second is Do not be afraid to playdumb, third is Take notes for more questions, fourth is Research is a process of gathering data, not the result, and lastly Start stong. End stronger ( to create impact) and in wrintng the story first things first, finding of your fieldwork, decide which facts and details go together, what’s the point? ,the context first. And Ms. Remillano also share some tips, Be critical when asking questions, Red tape blues: Be persistent and patient, make sure grammar and composition is correct, take time to distress and you will be busy as hell. Brace yourself.

                The second speaker discuss is all about reality. “Blaming social media, calling it a lie, further shows your lack of attempt to understand yourself” this is what Ms. Nualla said. Sometimes journalist, itself feels like a fight to get people to care. Most people like entertainment shows than important news that’s why some people don’t know what are the bad things happening in the world. Ms. Nualla said that “It’s not internet fault, it’s our fault”.

                The last speaker discuss about The role of the media and advocacy journalism. To inform, To educate and To entertain these three are the role of media. Advocacy journalism, lies in the process, corroboration, two-source rule, all sides of issue and fairness. Ms. Buan also discuss how they present the news. Increase awareness on certain issues, raise awareness, spark public discourse, and still practice objectivity and fairness and choice of what to report. Proactive consumers of the media demand transparency, social relevance demand discussion on pertinent issues that affect society and individual issues. Be discerning of the reports that are presented to us and how we consume them.

                Creating a good story means finding and verifying important or interesting information. And what I’ve learned in the seminar is that be curious in the world, don’t just watch or search about entertainment be curious also about what are the things that we can also help to the world.